Promote Astrology & Tarot Reports

Enhance your existing website or App with our Astrology & Tarot affiliate platform to help your business grow. Offer a wide selection of unique content to your visitors.

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Relationship Astrology

Astrology & Tarot

Adding White Label Astrology & Tarot products to your site provides your own branded Astrology and Tarot readings for your website or App.

Earn commission on every sale. All repeat customers return to your site.

Automatic product delivery and customer support included. So, no additional work from you necessary.

Choose the reports you want to offer and profit from the free content and additional revenue stream!

Ultimate Marketing Platform

New revenue stream with marketing and content benefits:

Free Astrology Content:

Provide free branded astrology content on your website or App.

Offer your visitors free personalized mini-readings. To allow them to assess the quality of the content before they purchase any of the full-length readings.

Provide users with unique Astrology Birth Charts, Planet Information and Daily Moon Forecasts.

Horoscopes for your Site:

Users can access horoscopes for free directly from your website to read each day, including yesterday and tomorrow.

30+ Astrology and Tarot Readings:

Using the date, time, and place of birth, create unique astrology readings for your visitors.

Plus, a collection of Tarot readings lets the user pick their cards and reveal an interpretation.

New content options include Daily, Weekly and Monthly General and Love Horoscopes.

Astrology reports expand on regular horoscopes based on a person's Sun sign. Complete Astrology readings use birth dates to calculate all the planet positions to create much more detailed report interpretations.

It personalizes it from 1 in 12 of the population to create a detailed individual reading for one person!

The Astrology readings cover many topics, Past Lives, Karma, Careers, Character Analysis, Monthly Forecasts, Future Destiny, Relationships, and Dating. Available individually or as bundled and discounted packages.

Email List Building:

Free sample products help you build an email list. Visitors will want to give you their email address to access your free reading samples.

Email list collection is included in your package features.

Tools For Marketing:

To help you earn even more commissions from repeat customers, we send personalized follow-up emails to recommend more relevant readings.

To create your landing pages and add the order process. Copy and paste a single line of code to use our embeddable forms.

The forms allow you to tailor the sales process for your visitors using your marketing expertise.

Easy to Promote

Our admin tool provides you will all the links and resources to add to your site.


Ready Made Page

Easy to add to link to your astrology page from your existing website or app.

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Astrology & Tarot Affiliate Program

Free to join - no card details or payment required

Our free Astrology & Tarot Affiliate Program contains the following :

  • Free and paid Astrology Readings
  • Free and paid Tarot Readings
  • Daily Horoscopes - can be embedded into your website and contain links to your affiliate pages.
  • Automated product delivery plus follow-up emails
  • Upload your own product images
  • Branded ready to go affiliate page to link to from your existing app or website.
  • Free for life
  • 50% commission on every sale
  • Free content, including Moon Watch, and Chartwheels.
  • Export all email addresses collected from both paid and free orders. Use this list building tool to increase your websites following.
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